On-Demand Webinar - Buying a Thermal Imager for Building Applications
This on-demand presentation will discuss all the relevant factors you need to consider in buying the right camera for building applications.
On-Demand Webinar - Buying a Thermal Imager for Condition Monitoring
This on-demand presentation will discuss all the relevant factors you need to consider in buying the right camera for condition monitoring applications.
On-Demand Webinar - Electrical Inspections Using Infrared
An overview of inspecting electrical systems including conditions needed, typical patterns detected and ways to prioritize findings.
On-Demand Webinar - How to Prioritize Thermal Anomalies
Attendees of this webinar will learn that there are a number of other factors to consider when diagnosing the severity of a problem and how to better characterize their findings.
On-Demand Webinar - Inspecting In-Plant Electrical Systems
This presentation provides an overview of how to inspect in-plant electrical systems, safely and effectively.
On-Demand Webinar - Mechanical Inspections Using Infrared
An overview of inspecting mechanical equipment, safely and effectively, including conditions needed, typical patterns detected & limitations of the technology.
On-Demand Webinar - Motor Acceptance Testing
An overview of motor acceptance testing including how to select a vendor and repair facility, why you should conduct a receipt inspections, the different types of acceptance tests, how to properly store your motors and the justification for establishing a
On-Demand Webinar - Motor Testing Technologies
This webinar covers the different types of motor tests utilized in industry including energized and de-energized testing and describes with great detail the array of parameters that can be checked and problems that can be diagnosed...
On-Demand Webinar - New Equipment Commissioning using EMT
This webinar covers how to use your EMT equipment to commission new equipment. We will discuss the applications and the various tests that can be performed such as visual inspection, distribution testing, motor testing, and baseline acceptance.
On-Demand Webinar - Solving Power Quality Issues with EMT
Power quality has become more and more of an issue since the advent of the vacuum tube in the 1930’s. This webcast covers what power quality is and its history, along with the types of problems it can cause, methods to detect power quality issues...
On-Demand Webinar - The Clear Truth-A Critical Examination of IR Windows
This webinar is intended to educate and edify end users on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to utilizing IR windows.
Seminario en línea - Inspecciones Eléctricas utilizando Termografía Infrarroja
Dirigido a personas que deseen conocer algunas de las aplicaciones eléctricas de la termografía dentro de la industria, y que deseen conocer más acerca de las capacidades y limitaciones de las cámaras infrarrojas al inspeccionar sistemas eléctricos.
1-EMTTS--Electrical Theory Basics
The ability to successfully use motor test instruments will be dependent upon your knowledge of basic electrical theory. The first several hours of this course is “theory review.”
2-EMTTS--Electric Motor Fundamentals
In this section we will continue to build the foundation, necessary, for you to be highly successful at diagnosing motor and motor circuit problems.
3-EMTTS--Electric Motor Operational Theory
With theory review and motor construction now under our belts, we will explore how motors operate.
4-EMTTS--De-Energized Electric Motor Testing
In this topic we will bring together all the previous topics to display and comprehend the various testing types and methods utilized by the various motor tester manufacturers.
5-EMTTS--Energized Electric Motor Testing & Power Quality Analysis
Power Quality Analysis is the first part of “Energized Electric Motor Testing.”
6-EMTTS--Energized Electric Motor Testing & Spectral Analysis
This topic is a culmination of all the previous topic in this series. Energized motor testing is an expedient method for identifying many electrical and mechanical faults that lead to motor failure.
7-EMTTS--Electric Motor Testing--Energized & De-Energized (Full Course)
The Snell Group is proud to announce the development of an “On-Line” version of our 32-hour Electric Motor Testing Training Courses.
Online Course - Infrared for Building Inspections
This course is designed for energy auditors, weatherization contractors and home inspectors who use thermal imaging or are considering adding the technology to their program. There is no pre-requisite for this class.
Online Course - Infrared for Electrical Inspections
This course is designed for the novice infrared thermographer in understanding the requirements for conducting successful electrical inspections. There is no pre-requisite for this class.
Online Course - Infrared for Mechanical Inspections
This course is designed for the novice infrared thermographer in understanding the requirements for conducting successful mechanical inspections. There is no pre-requisite for this class.
Online Course - Infrared for Roof Inspections
This course is designed for the novice infrared thermographer in understanding the requirements for conducting successful low-slope inspections. There is no pre-requisite for this class.
Online Course - Level 1--Thermographic Applications
This online class covers the theory, equipment, and applications of infrared thermography in the condition monitoring, quality assurance, building envelope and nondestructive testing of materials fields. There is no pre-requisite for the course.
Online Course - Level 2--Advanced Infrared Thermography
The Level 2 course extends the knowledge gained in Level 1 (or Snell 2-day application courses) on infrared theory and heat transfer concepts. Prerequisite: Level 1 - Thermographic Applications or one of Snell’s 2-day application courses.
Refresher--Level 1-Building Applications
This Level 1 Refresher Course reviews the most important points of your Level 1 learning (theory, IR equipment, image quality, etc.) as well as the high points of inspecting buildings. Using a blower door will also be discussed.
Refresher--Level 1-Electrical Applications
This Level 1 Refresher Course reviews the most important points of your Level 1 learning (theory, IR equipment, image quality, etc.) as well as the high points of a wide variety of electrical inspections as well as safety issues and the use of IR windows.
Refresher--Level 1-Mechanical Applications
This Level 1 Refresher Course reviews the most important points of your Level 1 learning (theory, IR equipment, image quality, etc.) as well as the high points of mechanical inspections, a failure modes detectable utilizing IR, and safety issues.
Refresher--Level 1-Roof Inspections
This Level 1 Refresher Course reviews the most important points of your Level 1 learning (theory, IR equipment, image quality, etc.) and the high points of inspecting low-slope roofs for moisture, typical patterns and environmental conditions needed.